The first months at Headwaters Physiotherapy!

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It has been a fun start at Healthwise Physiotherapy as we jump head first into the new clinic!

We started with 2 Physiotherapists, 1 Registered Massage Therapist, 1 Professional Coach & 1 jack of all trades (Administration/exercise specialist) and have now grown to:

4 Physiotherapists

2 Massage Therapists

2 Athletic Therapists

1 Pedorthist

1 Professional Coach

3 Administrators

Yes, I need to update the website to reflect all of this!

We cannot begin to describe the pure JOY this clinic is bringing us. Our patients are amazing and so understanding as we learn and grow. Our staff is phenomenal, helping us with growing pains and keeping things running smoothly. The doctors in Orangeville are the most supportive and engaged I have EVER seen. And the community is so welcoming. I could not have asked for a greater community, team, support system.

We cannot wait to see what the next 3 months bring! We may have a few new exciting things up our sleeves….


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