Healthwise Physiotherapy is committed to enforcing the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act when collecting information from our clients.
The privacy act applies to any collection, use or disclosure of personal information. “Personal Information” means any information about an identifiable individual that relates to their personal characteristics (i.e. gender, age, education, and family status), their health (i.e. health history, conditions, and services received by them) or their activities, views (i.e. interactions with their physiotherapist or massage therapist).
In order to provide treatment it is very important for us to collect personal information including the client’s health history, family history, and previous treatment that they have received. The information collected helps us determine the best course of treatment, monitor progress and change treatment if necessary. Healthwise Physiotherapy prides itself in its relationships with local physicians. We may use this information to provide progress and discharge reports to your physician or other health care provider.
Before starting treatment at Healthwise Physiotherapy, the rationale for collecting the information will be explained and consent for collection and disclosure of this information will be obtained. A written consent form will be used to explain our procedures and will provide you with the opportunity to identify to whom your information can be released. Your consent can be cancelled at any time, however written notice of your intentions must be provided directly to the clinic manager.
Healthwise Physiotherapy will not release any personal information without the client’s expressed consent, except in the case of an emergency, or when required by law.
Healthwise Physiotherapy will make certain that the information collected is protected against loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure or destruction. The staff is trained to collect and disclose personal information only as required for them to perform their jobs and in accordance with our privacy policy.
Healthwise Physiotherapy is required by law to keep our client’s files for a period of 10 years. After keeping the materials for the required 10 years, all information is destroyed.
On our website personal information is collected when clients contact us with requests for information or questions that they may have. This information is also protected under our privacy policy and is treated the same as any information we collect.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kathy Yardley: 519-942-8884.
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