Digital Detoxing: What is it & Why is it Important?

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Digital Detoxing: What is it & Why is it Important? 


Okay, maybe the phone locked up in chains and a padlock is a bit extreme – but it makes the point clear, right? In today’s day and age where we have the world at the touch of our fingertips, many may argue that there is such a thing as too much digital connectivity. The concept of a “digital detox” is a health and wellness trend which is gaining traction in response to the cumulative toll that constant connectivity may take on our mental and physical health. As our world is increasingly dominated by screens – whether for work, socializing, or entertainment purposes, digital detox aims to deliberately reduce times spent on electronic devices like smartphones and computers to help foster an improved overall well-being.

Why is Digital Detox Relevant Today?

The average person spends a staggering amount of time on screens, with Fortune estimating that Americans on average will have spent more than 17 years of their life looking at screens. Yeah, you heard that right – every single second 17+ years looking at screens! This heavy screen time is linked to various negative outcomes, including increased anxiety, sleep disturbances, and diminished attention spans. The overstimulation from continuous notifications, social media comparisons, and the relentless pace of online life can lead to burnout and a sense of overwhelm. More so, being chronically online may create disruptions in other aspects of life, such as our physical health and personal relationships. Simply put, the more time we are spending on screens, the less time we are moving our bodies, and the less time we are engaging with people in face-to-face contexts.


Benefits of Digital Detox

Taking regular breaks from screens offer a wide variety of benefits, including:

#1: Improved Mental Health:

Reducing screen time can alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, as excessive use of social media and constant exposure to distressing news can heighten stress levels. A digital detox gives the mind a chance to rest and reset, leading to a clearer and more focused mental state.

#2: Better Sleep:

The blue light emitted by screens is known to disrupt the production of melatonin, a hormone crucial for sleep. By cutting down screen time, especially before bed, you can improve your sleep quality, leading to better physical and mental health. Getting good quality and quantity of sleep is critical for our growth and development, for our repairing and recharging, and for maintaining appropriate functioning of a variety of bodily processes.

#3: Enhanced Productivity & Focus:

Without the constant interruptions from devices, individuals often find they can concentrate better on tasks at hand, boosting productivity and efficiency. This is particularly beneficial in work and study environments.

#4: Stronger Personal Relationships:

Disconnecting from devices allows for more face-to-face interactions, which can strengthen personal relationships. Engaging fully with the people around you, without the distraction of screens, fosters deeper connections and more meaningful conversations.


How to Get Started with Digital Detoxing

As is the case with implementing any new behaviour, digital detoxing requires consistent conscious efforts. It’s also important to note that digital detoxing can look different for everyone – it doesn’t have to be drastic! Some simple steps to help you detox include:
  • Set Specific Times for Screen Use: Designate certain times of the day as “device-free” times (e.g., during meals, before bed). Oftentimes, we see screen time restrictions used with children, but this can also be a helpful tool for adults to unwind from overstimulation that accompanies being chronically online.


  • Prioritize Offline Activities: Engage in hobbies or physical activities which do not require screen use, like reading, exercising in the gym, or spending time outdoors. This may help to minimize overall sedentary time, may promote improved physical and mental health, and may help individuals feel more connected with the outside world and nature. Practicing yoga and mindfulness are good strategies to help curb the burnout associated with digital overload.



  • Use Apps to Monitor & Limit Screen Time: A lot of smart technology actually have features implemented which can help limit smart technology use, ironically. For example, Apple uses a Screen Time sub-component embedded within their Settings app wherein you are able to track and limit screen time. These apps are helpful because they can provide objective data as to how much time exactly we are consuming looking at screens on a daily or weekly basis. This insight may help inform behaviour change.


  • Take Breaks Throughout the Day: Taking microbreaks throughout the day from looking at or working on screens can be a helpful strategy to reduce overstimulation from screen time. This may also help to reduce strain on the eyes, mind and body. Get up and move around for a few minutes every hour to give yourself a micro-break from screens!


As we become more aware of the impact that constant digital connectivity has on our health, embracing the concept of a digital detox could be a key step toward a more balanced and fulfilling life. Whether it’s for a weekend, a few hours each day, or even just during certain activities, making time to unplug is essential in our increasingly digital world. This trend not only reflects a growing desire for a more mindful and intentional lifestyle but also emphasizes the importance of taking control of our relationship with technology for the sake of our well-being.

Need Help Starting? Call Us Today?

As a multidisciplinary outpatient clinic specializing in health and wellness, we are happy to help with all of your needs – whatever they may be!
Visit us or call us at 519-942-8884 today to book with your neighborhood wellness clinic and let our team of specialized health professionals help you get back to being you!
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